QSL: RNE Valladolid 729

Local news from RNE Valladolid was heard on 729 kHz one morning in March 2023. Usually RNE Asturias is the clear winner on this frequency, but occasionally some of the other Spanish transmitters can also be heard. No wonder RNE Asturias is the dominant station on the frequency. Not only is it located in along the coast in Northern Spain (which have the best signals here in Scandinavia), RNE Asturias is also listed with a power of 100 kilowatts compared to Valladolids mere 20 kilowatts.

Again, Manuel Delgado Cañizares confirmed my reception with a full data electronic QSL card depicted above. Valladolid is the largest city in the Castilla-y-León province and has a population of roughly 300.000 inhabitants.

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